A large part of Courtney's experience at Cleveland 19 was assisting reporters/MMJs in the field. This was a great way for her to practice her storytelling skills as she aspires to be a reporter upon graduation in May 2019. She put her writing and editing skills to the test this summer-- above is her intern reel and below are the stories she told.
Cleveland Detective Christopher Gibbons is nominated for a grant to go toward a charity of his choice. His sister, Erin Becker, is a founder of the Edna house, a facility for recovering women who were alcoholics. Both Chris and Erin are recovering themselves. Take a look at the story version I wrote and edited.
Cleveland's East Side 4th District is known to be one of the deadliest. The week of the Fourth of July had five homicides in this one district alone. During my internship at Cleveland 19, I assisted reporters and photographers in the field to take a look at the people who live in the area to find out if it's always been this way. Take a look at the package I wrote and edited.
Here is a story I wrote and edited during my internship. A woman from Pittsburgh who survived stage three Breast Cancer did not give a hospital surgeon consent to leave her with implant pockets. This is the story of her protests and life after surgery. (The camera shots and interviews were another reporters, just the editing and writing is mine).
Lorain police officers are starting a community relation initiative to gain trust and build relationships with the youth. How? By handing out a tasty treat on hot summer days. Check out the story I wrote and edited above.
A fitness tracker alerted a Hudson woman to a life-altering diagnosis. Now, she thanks Fitbit for helping her manage symptoms so she can keep up with her three young sons. Here is the package I wrote and edited while at my internship.
The Amherst Police Department and Life Share paired up to run a blood drive to honor officer J.R Ptacek, who was severely injured in a nine-hour S.W.A.T stand-off. Here is a story I wrote and edited to show how a community supports one of their own.
Courtney continued to accomplish her goals while interning at Cleveland 19 News, the CBS affiliate in Cleveland OH. Courtney wrote and edited packages and shots stand-ups for her personal resume using Edius. Edius is a new software to Courtney that she can now add to her resume, along with Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere Pro. She also helped write web stories for reporters and assisted reporters and multimedia journalists in the field with interviews, camera shots and social media.
Courtney spent time on the assignment desk where she researched and found several sources to interview in order to add human elements to stories. A notable time she helped with a story was when she found a patient advocate for medicinal marijuana in Ohio via social media. She persuaded him to drive two hours the next day for an interview. Courtney took the story a step further to find a human element. After researching online, she found a man living in Ohio that had a brother with a Cerebral Palsy that relies on medical marijuana. Because Ohio is delaying the process of legalizing it,the brother cannot move back home to Ohio and must stay in California. Courtney always strives to add human elements to her stories, and always ensures she tells both sides.
At Cleveland 19 she also pitched her own story ideas in daily meetings. Courtney is experienced in the morning, day side and night side news operations with both hard and soft news. Overall she worked more than 200 hours over the course of nine weeks.
A feel-good story I wrote and edited at Cleveland 19 News. Mandy, the dancing police horse, stole the show at a charity event when she danced to the cupid shuffle. Cleveland 19 got her exclusive "Whip and Nae/Nae" dance, too.
Spring, and now summer allergies, are upon us. Check out how you can be proactive and find what antihistamine works best for your symptoms. (A package I wrote and edited at Cleveland 19)
A feral cat problem in Elyria, OH is causing the APL to trap, neuter and return these felines in order to mitigate the issue. Here is a package I wrote and edited while at my internship.
Joni and Friends Wheels for the World is an organization that collects old wheelchairs, sends them to local prisons to be refurbished and proceeds to send the chairs overseas to 137 countries. During my internship I wrote and edited this story for my personal page.