Mask mandates hit several states, and it comes with a debate. To wear, or not to wear? Courtney and the SwedishAmerican microbiologist lab team put masks to the test in a visual story to see if they help prevent the spread of germs. This video reached more than 20,000 views, 500 shares and sparked discussions on social media platforms after airing.
Unemployment numbers skyrocket as the pandemic raged on. One local woman is navigating the pandemic alone after recently losing her husband, and struggled with the overwhelmed unemployment system. Courtney was the only reporter in the market to share this story.
In a twist of events an officer that arrested a young, transgender community member following a traffic stop now has battery charges filed against himself. This follows as disputes across the nation, and locally continue regarding police use of force.
In the days following phase 4 of reopening, the Winnebago County Health Department received numerous complaints about businesses not following proper protocols. Courtney was the only reporter in the market to report this.
A virus killing mask could soon be on the market. Courtney spoke with the scientist who studied the special fabric, and the manufacturers who could make it and change the pandemic as we know it. Courtney was the only reporter in the market to report this.
Real estate scams were on the rise in Rockford, so Courtney decided to investigate. She met with local realtors, and communicated with a believed-to-be scammer to see first hand how they trick victims.
Rock Valley College board members have been under fire by community members for not making efforts to recruit minority students. Local leaders make final plea for new tech center to be located in Rockford. Courtney found data showing there is more diversity and lower income families in Rockford versus the other options.
A well-known and respected community group known as"100 Strong" called for the dismissal of Rockford's Police Chief after a video of him resurfaced. Courtney broke this story in the market due to her connections.
The Rockford Public School District 205 moved to online "E-Learning" due to COVID-19. Courtney reported on the discovery of the digital divide, showing how thousands of kids didn't have adequate internet access.
The U.S. Marshal's Office threatened to close the Winnebago County Jail, which would cost the county $1.8 million, if it did not fix safety issues. Courtney met with the Sheriff, and took an inside look at the jail just days before the Marshal's deadline.
The Winnebago County board wanted to cut its partnership with the city for the 9-1-1 operation center in order to save on budget shortfalls. Courtney took a look inside the 9-1-1 center to see how many calls it fields for the county.
An investigation showed the Winnebago County Board Chairperson harassed the county administrator. Courtney followed the county board for months, and landed the first interview with the administrator since the findings came out.